Deadline extended for submitting comments on DEIS – now Dec. 9, 2013

To All Interested Parties:

This is to inform you of a modified timeline for submitting comments pursuant to the
National Environmental Policy Act on the South Farallon Islands Invasive House
Mouse Eradication Project, Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, California.

Members of the public have requested an extension of the comment period on the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for this project. Instead of extending the
comment period for the DEIS, and in order to modify language that clarifies the
Service’s scientific review of possible impacts to seabirds, the Service has decided to
issue a Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Revised DEIS). The Revised
DEIS does not modify or add alternatives from the former DEIS. You will have an
opportunity to comment on the Revised DEIS which is currently in preparation.

The purpose of this project is to benefit native seabirds, amphibians, invertebrates, and
plants, as well as to enhance ecosystem processes on the islands. The South Farallon
Islands have sustained ecological damage over many decades from the presence of
invasive mice. Eradicating house mice would eliminate the last remaining invasive
vertebrate species on the Refuge, thereby enhancing the recovery of sensitive seabird
populations on the islands.

A Notice of Availability of the Revised DEIS is tentatively expected to be published in
the Federal Register on October 11, 2013. The public will have 45-days to review and
comment on the Revised DEIS following publication in the Federal Register; therefore,
you do not need to submit your comments by September 30, 2013, because you will
have 45 days in which to review the Revised DEIS.

If you previously submitted comments, you do not need to resubmit them because they
have already been incorporated into the public record and will be fully considered
during the preparation of the final EIS.

If you have any questions, please contact Gerry McChesney, Refuge Manager, at
(510) 792-0222 ext 222.

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